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From the moment UnrulyNerdGirl (UNG) signed on to the internet, back in the days of AOL, she searched for her tribe. While she had no idea what BDSM, D/s, and the leather lifestyle was, she knew there was a part of her that craved to be controlled and cherished. Stumbling upon the Big/little lifestyle opened up a wide world of wonder.
Emphasizing features such as nurturing domination, domestic style discipline, and loving power exchange, age play quickly became a major influence that shaped her style of submission.
Searching every dungeon, treehouse, and blanket fort, she will leave no toy box or A frame unturned while looking for her compatible Big.
From the moment UnrulyNerdGirl (UNG) signed on to the internet, back in the days of AOL, she searched for her tribe. While she had no idea what BDSM, D/s, and the leather lifestyle was, she knew there was a part of her that craved to be controlled and cherished. Stumbling upon the Big/little lifestyle opened up a wide world of wonder.
Emphasizing features such as nurturing domination, domestic style discipline, and loving power exchange, age play quickly became a major influence that shaped her style of submission.
Searching every dungeon, treehouse, and blanket fort, she will leave no toy box or A frame unturned while looking for her compatible Big.