Online Shibari Classes
Shibari or Kinbaku is the art of erotic Japanese Rope Bondage – beautiful and engaging, it has a rich history and deep roots in Japanese culture.
From artistically intricate knot work through to aerial suspension.
With a focus on connecting with your partner and enjoying the process, not just the end result, Shibari is becoming increasingly popular in mainstream culture.
Studio Kink is committed to producing high quality educational content. Join the Studio Kink Team and learn from the comfort of your own home, be that in Australia or anywhere the world!

Introduction to Shibari - Mark De Viate
Join Mark De Viate for the Studio Kink Introduction to Shibari Course - now online for all!

Shibari Fundamentals - Mark De Viate
Join Mark De Viate for the Studio Kink Shibari Fundamentals Takate Kote Course - now online for all!

DV8 Hishi TK
Join Mark De Viate from Studio Kink Sydney for his DV8 Hishi TK Shibari course. With over 20 years experience in the kink community, Mark takes you through a step-by-step guide to four different Hishi TK's. Each tie is based on a 2 rope Takate Kote in the Studio Kink style but builds on with a series of different Hishi patterns as you progress from one tie to the next.

DV8 Hishi TK Series 2
This is the second Hishi focused course in a comprehensive series of classes by Studio Kink Sydney, and the content follows what is included in one of Mark's monthly Hishi intensive's currently held in St Peters, Sydney Australia.

Meditation With a Twist of Rope - Shibari - Aleni De Viate
Join Aleni De Viate from Studio Kink Sydney for her Meditation With a Twist of Rope Shibari course.
This course is designed for those looking to further their skill and progress along their Shibari journey along with a partner, and you will also need 1 piece of Japanese Jute.

DV8 Hojo Hishi Series - Shibari - Mark De Viate
Join Mark De Viate from Studio Kink Sydney for his DV8 Hojo Hishi Series. With almost 20 years experience in the kink community, Mark takes you through a step-by-step guide to four different Hojo Hishi's including the famous DV8 Hojo Hishi. Each tie utilises Hojo cuffs, and while the front of the ties are diamond/hishi the back follows the Akechi Denki friction and lock systems.
This is the fifth online course in a comprehensive series of classes by Studio Kink Sydney, and the content follows what is included in one of Mark's monthly Hishi intensive's currently held in St Peters, Sydney Australia.
This course is designed for those looking to further their skill and progress along their Shibari journey along with a partner, and you will also need 3-4 pieces of Japanese Jute to tie all four Hishi TK's.
There is a lot of fun to be had with Hishi's so this is a great addition to your skillset!